ACCESS: A Group For Teens

New Group Starting August 3rd

Authentic, Calm, Communicate, Empowerment, and Social Support.

We help overwhelmed teens create connection, improve communication, and bolster social support.

Upset teenager in Redding, CA in need of counseling

Being a teen is hard.

It seems like no one understands what you are going through. The pressure, the stress, the social and emotional roller coaster. It seems like you can't turn off the emotions. But it's not only the emotions, you also can’t turn off your mind. You want to feel better but nothing seems to help.

Your emotions are strong, fast, and long lasting. As a result your behaviors become impulsive. They end up hurting you or your loved ones.

Three teenagers in Redding, CA on their way to group therapy counseling

Feeling Misunderstood

You feel misunderstood by family and friends, no one gets you or knows what you are going through. You feel out of place in life so you hide, isolate, disconnect.

You feel out of control in your own life. Your thoughts and emotions are on overdrive. You are still living at home with limited choices and limited control. Between your emotions and your parents, you are never actually in control. All you want is some freedom or independence.

You may not like yourself, and often compare your body, image, or emotions to peers or people on social media. You may feel unimportant, different, worthless, and hopeless.

Access a Happier and Healthier You!

Authenticity, Community, Connection, Empowerment, and Social Support

  • ACCESS AUTHENTICITY to be yourself, grow skills to understand you, so that you can live a life you can be happy with.

  • ACCESS CALM and build more skillful behavior. Feel more in control of emotions and behaviors. Focus on what you want and enjoy the present moment.

  • ACCESS COMMUNICATION skills. Identify, understand, and voice your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Create genuine connections with others who understand you.

  • ACCESS EMPOWERMENT. Link your triggers to your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Become more skillful about what is happening and why it is happening so you can choose a different path.

  • ACCESS SOCIAL SUPPORT with a group of teens like you. Gain accountability while you become more skillful. Enjoy deeper friendship, connection, and feel more involved in community.

  • ACCESS SOCIAL SUPPORT and empathy for yourself and others. Gain community and connection. Learn how others who have overcome similar hardships.

counseling redding

Join Our Teen Therapy Group

Ready to feel empowered and connected with a strong social support system? We are launching our next group on August 3rd, limited to 6 teens.

Happy teens in group therapy with the best counselor in Redding, CA

Teen Group Therapy Pricing

Group meets weekly (7 week series) for 60 minutes, and participants receive weekly materials to support them in practicing skills at home. Investment is $20, per session.

Did you know that some group services may be covered by your insurance. An itemized receipt to submit to your insurance for out-of-network reimbursement is provided monthly. Talk with our staff to see how we can help meet your needs.

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